Merriscourt Wedding Photography
Merriscourt Wedding Photography with the awesome Suttons was so fun. When I arrived in the morning ready to start photographing prep, I walked into the barn and all I could smell was beautiful Eucalyptus.
There was also a Neon sign saying THE SUTTONS. Neon and Eucalyptus are 2 of my favourite things. =)
It is not the first time I have photographed a MerrisCourt Wedding Oxfordshire but it was the first time I have seen a sunset as big as this one over the hills.
These guys are my kind of couple, Chilled to the max and just want to enjoy everything to do with their wedding.
I Photographed and Engagement shoot of The Suttons back when the weather was cold and we all had coats I probably had 2 on. I don’t enjoy the cold much. We walked around their local park and they told me some of their plan but all in all I didn’t really know what to expect. They have awesome friend’s and family and everyone was so friendly.
This job is made so much easier by the people at the wedding and of course the sunset and beautiful Merriscourt.
Since this wedding I have been to Suffolk, Norfolk twice, London, Oxfordshire again and I’m back in Norfolk this weekend. Im then off to France and Italy for a 3 wedding crazy week for fun then back to London twice. This is why August and September are so awesome. Great weather awesome people amazing food massive party and I get to see lots of new places.
Again Massive thank you to The Suttons and their family and Friends and Merriscourt for your unwavering consistency and beautifulness.
This is just a preview big post to come later in the year.
For now Stay Groovy I’m off to Happy Valley.

If you didn’t catch last weeks Wolferton Royal Station Wedding here it is.